Posts tagged book review
Book Review: Mouse Trap

If you like a bit of a fun cozy little scary read, I highly recommend Mouse Trap by Caryn Larrinaga. On the surface, it’s about the haunting of an ordinary house (or an ordinary family really), but it’s really about loss, grief, guilt, and anxiety.

The author does a brilliant job creating a mood of uneasiness, which builds the tension more and more. Larrinaga does a great job implanting dark imagery, setting up a little mystery, and providing just enough foreshadowing to keep you guessing.

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Guest Post: Author Ashley Amber

I'm author Ashley Amber, here to tell you all about my debut novelette The Flip Side of Sad!

I've been writing since I was 14 years old and came up with this story idea when I was 16. Fast forward ten years, loads of writing, lots of learning, and a YouTube channel later, and I've circled back to this story about a singer who gets trapped inside his own album until he learns the lessons of his lyrics.

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