Posts tagged author introduction
Meet The Authors: Alex Child

Here at Collective Tales Publishing, we want to celebrate our authors! This week we’re going to talk about Alex Child! Alex is one of our longest-standing authors. His first story was published in “Pond Scum,” and since then has been published in Little Darkness with “Backroads” and will be published in Collective Fantasy with his story “Poached Caladrius Eggs.”

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Guest Post: Author Ashley Amber

I'm author Ashley Amber, here to tell you all about my debut novelette The Flip Side of Sad!

I've been writing since I was 14 years old and came up with this story idea when I was 16. Fast forward ten years, loads of writing, lots of learning, and a YouTube channel later, and I've circled back to this story about a singer who gets trapped inside his own album until he learns the lessons of his lyrics.

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