Hope Screams Eternal: An Unsettling Reads Anthology


I feel it is only fitting, as I have been professing my love for the MCU and LOTR on our podcast, that I tell the origin story of Unsettling Reads and how Hope Screams Eternal came to be. So gather round, and I will tell the tale from its beginning.

Before the great pandemic struck in early 2020, Dair and I were gathered at a local bean roasting establishment, writing and planning. Always looking for a worthy quest, Dair proposed the idea of starting a podcast to not only aid our reading interests, but to be able to network with fellow writers. We also had a deep burn inside of ourselves to promote others like us, other up-and-coming authors battling in the trenches to make names for themselves. 

Ever enjoying manipulating both dates and time, we began our trek on April 1, 2020. We read books, grew more and more comfortable giving reviews, parleyed with published authors, and gathered even more unsettling readings. We created blogs to share the books we enjoyed as well as to promote the creators of said works. We were pleased, but we were not quite satisfied. Not yet.

A new idea was forged, a plan to create two books and search the lands far and wide for contributors. The first, an anthology of horror, fantasy, and science fiction. These were my favored genres of the books we reviewed, and Dair chose me to take the helm on this collection of dark tales. Dair would hold the reins on the next anthology, a collection based on crime, thriller, mystery, suspense, and noir. 

Hope Screams Eternal was born into this world on May 1, 2021. We unleashed characters from the darkness, creatures, and people who meant to do harm. We loosed those who were twisted by desires, urged by revenge, yet also those who were inspired by hope. 


It is now our hope that readers will have the chance to experience these tales and these characters. 

We are most pleased with the reception Hope Screams Eternal has received. We look forward to sharing it further, as well as promoting the creators of the works bound within its cover. 

The experience of bringing Hope Screams Eternal to life brought us both great joy. As it is now set free to roam the world, Dair and I have geared up to set out upon a new path. This new endeavor has us lying in wait, selecting unsettling stories as they approach for the upcoming collection Autumn Noir. The new anthology is set to be released upon the world in the fall of 2021. Until that day comes, we will be on Unsettling Reads, spreading the word via our podcast and blog of worthy books to read. 

Until then, it’s bye-bye… for now… 

Connect with Robin Knabel on www.unsettlingreads.com 

Insta: @unsettlingreads - Twitter @unsettlingreads – FB Unsettling Reads

www.robinknabel.com Insta: @robinknabel - Twitter @LaConteuse

www.hdairbrown.com  Insta: @dairlirious – Twitter @dairlirious

Check out Elizabeth Suggs’ review of Hope Screams Eternal on Editing Mee!