Posts tagged guest blog
Guest Blog: Choosing a Book Genre

Writing a book is an exciting and nerve-wracking journey. As an editor, I talk to authors all the time about how hard it is to decide on the best way to get your story from thought to paper. You may know what to write, but how do you make sure it aligns with the expectations of that genre while still allowing you full creative freedom?

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Write Better Fantasy: 3 Tricks

Most writers out there have an urge to commit the story in their heads to paper (or a hard drive, given the times). I want everyone to get those thoughts and images into words. I want you to get that story finished in the timeframe you desire and in a configuration that will please you.

While writing pace is something that can be altered by your schedule, focus, and typing speeds, we can always improve our craft. There’s more: you’ve probably already had several important lessons in high school, and all you need to do is reactivate them in your brain. Here are a few quick tips and tricks to unlock all that potential!

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Guest Post: How to Write a Fairy Tale Retelling

Fairy Tale Retellings, or Modern Fairy Tales as they’re called, have become exorbitantly popular over the last few years. I have edited and read many of them, and if you type the title into a Google search bar, you will be sure to find access to literally lists of recommended reads. In essence, a fairy tale retelling is exactly as it sounds-it draws from a fairy tale or lends itself to the fairy tale trope.

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Guest Post: How to Co-Write a Novel

Our co-writing journey began almost by accident—a joint story written for a school assignment over a decade ago that morphed into an entire series of collaboratively written novels. While co-authoring might not work for everyone, we are here to tell you that the experience can be rewarding, productive, and even make you a better writer. Here are our tips for writing a collaborative novel.

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Guest Post: Creating a Podcast: Going from an Idea to Reality

A year ago, if you had told me that I would be starting a podcast where I interview strangers about their writing processes, I would have laughed at you.

If you know me on a personal level at all, you probably know that having to talk to strangers is my worst nightmare. I’ve lost count of the number of times making a simple phone call to cancel a doctor’s appointment has sent me into a cold sweat.

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